rod mclaughlin

What is LinkedIn for, exactly? (01 feb 13)

It's supposed to be a social media site like Twitter and Facebook, except it has a serious purpose - putting people in touch with each other for business purposes - like finding a job.

Some of the jobs I'm looking for are only on LinkedIn. Instead of a recruiter sending me his or her e-mail address, I get a button which says "Share your profile with this user". I click on it. A LinkedIn window appears with another button which says "Apply for this position". I click on it. Nothing happens.

Social media sites are all supposed to be mobile now. When I get an e-mail message from LinkedIn on my phone, I click on the button, and it hangs my browser. I can't see the window it is trying to open, nor any of the other windows.

Suggestion to recruiters: just email the prospective client directly. Don't bother with LinkedIn.

Portland London