rod mclaughlin

Whingeing POM - the stupidity of Maven (18 aug 10)

If you google my name, most of the results are internet postings by me about my struggles with the Java tool 'Maven'. In order to test the SOAP rubbish I've had to generate at work, I had to get SOAPUI. This is written in Java, which I thought I'd escaped from. To compile it, you need Maven. To compile Maven, you need Ant. To run Ant, you need Java, which now has licensing issues. Yeah, Java is open-source. But it's owned by Oracle, which is like saying I baked you a cake, but I threw it in the septic tank. And it wasn't a very good cake anyway.

It took many goes to install Maven. I finally realized the instructions were wrong. It says set M2_HOME to where you want Maven installed. OK, ~/maven. Then it says it MUST have a Maven-style version number, eg. ~/maven-2.2.1-SNAPSHOT. OK. But what it really means it must be the exact name of the version you are trying to install, eg. ~/apache-maven-2.2.1. Add export M2_HOME=~/apache-maven-2.2.1 in your .bashrc file, run 'source ~/.bashrc' from the command line, then run 'ant' to install Maven. Now you can go back to installing whatever it was you were trying to install three weeks ago, if you can remember.

         [java] [INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-jdk}]
         [java] Downloading:
         [java] Downloading:
         [java] Downloading:
         [java] Downloading:
         [java] Downloading:
         [java] Downloading:
    etc. for thousands of lines

Portland London