rod mclaughlin

California shows the way (16 jul 11)

The University of California at San Diego is appointing a “vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion” in order to help the Chancellor’s Diversity Office, the associate vice chancellor for faculty equity, the assistant vice chancellor for diversity, the faculty equity advisors, the graduate diversity coordinators, the staff diversity liaison, the undergraduate student diversity liaison, the graduate student diversity liaison, the chief diversity officer, the director of development for diversity initiatives, the Office of Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues, the Committee on the Status of Women, the Campus Council on Climate, Culture and Inclusion, the Diversity Council, and the directors of the Cross-Cultural Center, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, and the Women’s Center -

The State of California is making it mandatory to teach LBGTQ history to schoolchildren:

"California law already requires schools to teach about women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, American Indians and labour. The legislature over the years has also prescribed specific lessons about the Irish potato famine and the Holocaust, among other topics."

"John Perez, the first openly gay speaker in the California Assembly, said the bill would allow children to learn about the work carried by people including Alan Turing, who created the forerunner of modern computers."

How I wish I lived in California.

Portland London