rod mclaughlin

Dinosaur (07 may 12)

Dinosaur is a tiny town just over the Colorado border east of Vernal on Highway 40. The RV park was closed, so I had to stay in a motel. I'm dog tired, so maybe I'll stay two nights. However, there is no grocery store in town, just a gas station selling instant noodles and things *. The next real food on my route is Craig, 89 miles west, which will take me two days. I could ride to Rangely, 18 miles south, tomorrow, but if the restaurant is open I probably won't bother, and live on instant chow mein, hot dogs which have been turning over and over on a hot roller thing all day, and coke.

By the way, there's a connection between dinosaurs and global warming:

I don't believe it. If the climate was warmer 100 million years ago, it was because dinosaurs were driving SUVs. If it was warmer in medieval times, it was because Chaucer had a private jet.


* Correction - there's a good cowboy restaurant for things like steak and eggs, and a very good sandwich shop. Dinosaur also boasts the best-stocked liquor store I've ever seen. It's because it's on the Utah border, so people drive over from there to stock up.


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