rod mclaughlin

Moving back to Subversion source control (07 jun 10)

Has anyone ever succeeded in telling Subversion to ignore log files and not check them in? All the pages you can find on this are lying - except one of them does say you can't tell svn to ignore files after it already knows about them. So what you have to do, is, not add them for a new project, do this

svn propset svn:ignore -F .svnignore log/
then svn add and svn commit

Subversion does have one advantage over Git source control. It NEVER understands what you are trying to do. You spend hours struggling with it to make it work. Hours for which you are paid. Whereas Ruby on Rails is so productive it is in danger of putting all developers except three guys in Bangalore named 'Rohit' out of work, Subversion keeps them employed. That's why it's called 'Subversion' - it subverts the system.

I did svn rm xml/*, then svn rm xml
When I tried to svn commit, it said 'xml is out of date'
I had to svn revert xml, svn commit, svn rm xml, svn commit
that still didn't work:

$ svn commit
Deleting       pois_cis/xml
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '/trunk/pois_cis/xml' is out of date

I am able to delete the files, but not the folder


svn: Directory 'blah/test/unit/helpers' is out of date
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
svn:    '.../trunk/svn-commit.tmp'

Let's see if Subversion will allow me to delete an empty folder...

--This line, and those below, will be ignored--
D    blah/test/unit/helpers


Here's a solution to some of Subversion's problems -


Portland London